Here at St John Creamery you are likely to find a bustle of activity. The team of humans milking, processing milk, cleaning, caring for the goats, herding goats, working in the garden, and other farm necessities. You will find the team of goats being milked, or in the field or barn, enjoying climbing, frolicking, head-butting, and (their favorite) munching on grasses and brush. There are often kids to see playing and learning how to goat. Sometimes our team of working Anatolians are teaching their puppies to shepherd.
We are a licensed Grade A raw milk dairy and farm, using organic practices, located in Stanwood, Washington. Our 15-acre farm consists of about 165 Oberhasli girls, 13 bucks, our working Anatolian Shepherds, some free-roaming chickens, occasionally some pigs, a few cows, farm dogs and cats, and the St John team of humans.
St John Creamery is invested in letting our goats be goats and this includes when they milk. Oberhasli does will produce milk for about 8 months to 10 months after they have a baby, so you will see kids here in multiple seasons. Rotating the does that are actively producing milk creates an environment in which we can provide year-round fresh, delicious, raw goat milk for you and a natural, hormone-free life for our goats.

A visit to the farm is welcome